2015 Spring Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Spring International Conference at the Leonardo City Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Using Photolithography & Microfluidics for Biological Applications
Doron Gerber | Assistant Professor | Bar Ilan Universit | IL
Combining Multiple-Micro Machining Technologies
Asaf Katz| CEO | Suron A.C.A Ltd. | IL
Challenges in Modern Electroforming
Harrie Knol | Manager Research & Development | Veco B.V. | NL
Chemical Waste Management
Sivan Klas, Senior Lecturer | Department of Biotechnology Engineering ORT Braude College of Engineering | IL
Ferric or Cupric, Cold or Hot, What Gives the Best Etch Factors of Fine Features in Thin Copper Foils
Kirk Lauver | Marketing Specialist | Chemcut | US
The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful – A Brief History of Quality Abstract
Bill Bellows | Associate Fellow| InThinking Network | Aerojet Rocketdyne |US
Double Sided LDI for Etching Application – Case Study
Tsafrir Sasson | CEO | NI MEMS | IL
3D Printing of Metals
Jean Ramon | Technion R&D Foundation | Israel Institute of Metals | IL