2012 Fall Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Fall International Conference held in Santa Monica, California.
Manufacture and Recycling of Ferric Chloride
Dave Clark, Plant Manager. Phibro Tech, US
New PCM Offering with Digital Inkjet Imaging on Small Batches with Short Leadtime and Cost-Effective Vertical Etch Solution
Willi Groezinger, Sales Manager|Business Unit Cell Schmid Group, Schmid Group I Gebr. Schmid GmbH, DEMarco Mui, Junior Product Manager | Business Unit Printed Circuit Board Schmid Group, -Schmid Group I SCHMID Zhuhai Ltd.
Contextual Excellence
Tim Higgins, Associate Fellow, InThinking Network, Pratt & Whitney, US
Effect of Nitric Acid Concentration on the Etch Rates and Surface Appearance of Titanium
Randy Markle, Process Technician. Chemcut Corporation, US
Photo ElectroChemical Machining – Principles and Applications
Heather McCrabb, Principal Scientist, Faraday Technology, US
Creating Your Social Media Strategy in 8 Simple Steps
Rohan Verma, President, RK Global, US