2012 Spring Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Spring International Conference held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Potassium ferricyanide as a PCM etchant
Emeritus Professor David Allen, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK
Dissolution of difficult-to-etch alloys
Dr. Heather Almond, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, UK
Metal laminating plates for security documents
Jan v.d. Berg, Senior Expert Document Security, Morpho BV, NL
Coated, imaged, developed ready to etch in under a minute
John Cunningham, Chief Chemist, Lawson Lightfoot, Rainbow Technology Systems Ltd., UK
Etch resist – in search of the inkjet Holy Grail
Stuart Hayton, Global Sales & Marketing Director, MuTracx, NL
Eric Kemperman, Research & QSHE Manager, Etchform BV, NL
All about dry film photoresists
Johan Pellicaan, Strategic Account Mgmt. & European Support, Cookson Electronics Enthone, NL
Decreasing yield loss due to contamination control in surface technology
Felix Rominski, Sales International, Polytec GmbH, DE
The Use of white light interferometry to measure (3D) precision parts
Roger Theunissen, Sr. Consultant Managing Dir., CeConEx Consultancy, Projectmanagement B.V., NL
Surface treatment using synergetic coatings
Matty Wijnen, AHC Oppervlaktetechnieken, NL