2015 Fall Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Fall International Conference held at the Hotel Bethlehem – Bethlehem, PA, United States.
Regeneration in Theory and Practice – Part 1: Control Theory for Ferric Chloride Etchant Regeneration Methods
David Allen | Cranfield University | UK
Regeneration in Theory and Practice – Part 2: Practical Implementation of Chlorine Regeneration ofSpent Ferric Chloride Etchant within Heatric
Peter Jefferies | Etching Operations Mgr. | Heatric | UK
Regeneration in Theory and Practice – Part 3: – Practical Aspects of Installing pH Control for the Free Acid
Kirk Lauver | Marketing & Customer Lab Mgr. | Chemcut | US
Altix, the Expert in Photo Imaging Solutions
Sylvain Dromaint | General Manager | Altix North America | US
Precision Rolled Materials
Jack Ferrari | VP Sales & Marketing | Heyco Metals | US
Direct Digital Printing of Etch Resist
Henk Goossens | Marketing Manager & Business Development | Meyer Burger | ND
Overview of Resin Based Industrial 3D Printing Technologies and Applications
Ed Graham | Managing Engineer | ProtoCAM | US
Workforce Development at Precision Micro Ltd.
Marcus Heather | Business Director | Precision Micro | UK
Waste Water 101
David Joyce | Technical Service Rep. | Hubbard Hall | US
Dry Film Laminators
Jean Pierre Robic | President | Dynachem | IT
Fundamentals of Electroplating
Steve Rudy | Technical Sales | Hubbard Hall | US
Fundamentals of Vacuum Heat Treating
Tim Steber | Regional Sales Manager | Solar Atmospheres | US
Ink Jet Printing
Joost Anne Veerman | Head of Printing Process | MuTracx | NL
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis of Photochemical Machining (PCM)
Group Discussion Moderated by David Allen | Cranfield University | UK