2016 Spring Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Spring International Conference held at the Monrepos Hotel, Stuttgart, Germany
Strengthening the Weakest Links in the PCM Process Chain #1: – Best Practices for YellowClean Room Processes and Procedures
David Allen, Cranfield University, UK
Metal Part Manufacturing with Three Dimensional Screen Printing
Martin Dressler, Dr.-Ing., Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology Advanced Materials, DE
Ink Jet Printing of Etch Resist: Its Capabilities and Outlook for the Future
Henk Goossens, Marketing Manager, Meyer Burger, ND
PECM with Innovative Potential for the Machining of Foils and Micro Structures
Isolde Jochem, Sales / Export, PEMTec SNC, FR
Etching, the Process and Practical Parameters
Alexander Jablonka, Product Developer, Etchform BV, ND
New Product and Services Showcase – Adhesion Of Dry Film Photoresist On Bright Stainless Steel
Georgi Pjuskjulev, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG
Gérard Rich, Business Development, Lüscher Technologies, CH
Metal Based Nanocomposites Fabricated by Electrochemical Deposition Processes
Monika Saumer, Professor, University of Applied Sciences, DE
UV Inkjet Etch Resist for Chemical Milling Applications
Mariana Van Dam, New Business Development Mgr., Agfa Materials, BE