2017 Spring Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Spring International Conference held at the Drake Hotel, Chicago, IL, United States
Precision Plating
Vince Azzano, Director of Technical Sales, Precision Plating Company, US
Factory Physics
Jeff Bell |Managing Partner, Factory Physics ®, US
The Benefits of Electropolishing for Photo Chemical Etching
Tom Glass, President, Able Electropolishing, US
Transition to the New ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015
Eric Kemperman, Research & QSHE Manager, Etchform BV, NL
Maintaining Etching Equipment
Kirk Lauver, Marketing & Customer Lab Manager, Chemcut, US
Heat Dissipation from Photochemically Machined Nano-Devices
Sohail Murad, Professor and Chair, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, US
Advances in Micro Machining and its Relevance to PCM
Ben Scott, Managing Director, Datum Alloys, US, UK, Singapore
The Control and Optimization of the Essential Steel Strip Properties
Thomas Wegler, Manager Development Precision Strip, Zapp Precision Metals GmbH, DE
Guidelines for Successful Sheet Metal Forming
Andrew Wolf, Vice President, Form Factor Design, LLC, US
An Introduction to Zapp Precision Strip, Tailored to PCM
Dr. Paul Campbell, Head of Sales, Zapp Precision Metals GmbH, DE
Altix: Latest Progress in Imaging
Sylvain Dromaint, General Manager, Altix North America, US
Datum: A Foundation for Success
Tim Wetmore, CEO and Regional Director for North America, Datum Alloys, US