2017 Fall Journal
Issue 130 | December 2017
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Fall International Conference held at the Palace Hotel, Como, Italy.
Multi Wavelengths LED Direct Imaging Dedicated to PCM
Frédéric Baradel, VP of Sales & Marketing , Altix France , FR
Alexis Guilbert, Direct Imaging Product Manager, Altix France, FR
Photoplotting and Direct Imaging for PCM
Jean-Paul Birraux, Sales & Marketing Manager, First EIE SA, CH
Safe Handling of Obligation of a Chlorine Facility
Marcus Heather, Technical Director, Precision Micro, UK and Peter Jefferies, Innovation Technology Leader, Heatric, Division of Meggitt, UK
Advantages, Disadvantages, and Comparisons of Direct Image by Laser or LED Systems
Paolo Iellici, Sales Marketing Director, Lasertech, IT
Lasercutting, Advantages, and Disadvantages Compared to PCM and PEF
Harrie Knol, Manager Application Engineering, Veco B.V., NL
Material Properties Of High Performance Precision Strip Steel
Jonas Nilsson,R&D Mgr. Precision Strip, Sandvik Materials Technology, SE
Roll to Roll Application for PCM
Jean Pierre Robic, President and Osvaldo Novello, Managing Director, ALT-Dynachem, IT
Regeneration of FeCl3 by Using Chlorine
Hans Schmitz, CEO, KSD Innovations Gmb , DE
Metals Presentation: Focus on Shape
Sergio Sensini, European Sales Manager and Business Development, Ulbrich Stainless Steel& Special Metals, Inc., US