2019 Fall Journal
This Journal contains the technical papers and presentations from the Fall 2019 International Conference held in the United States in Geneva, New York, at the Ramada Geneva Lakefront Hotel from October 12 – 16, 2019.
“Extraction and Recycling of Dissolved Nickel from Ferric Chloride Etchant:Economic, Technical and Environmental Considerations”
David Allen, Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University
Using Social Media to Build Your Brand
Lysa Miller | VP of Business Development & Co-Founder | 3Media Web | US
Imaging Beyond Your Limits
Sylvain Dromaint | Vice President and General Manager | Altix North America | US
The Thin and Thick of Wastes from Making and Plating Photochemical Parts
Milt Stevenson Jr. | VP/Chief Technology & Environmental Officer | Anoplate Corporation | US
New Member Product and Services Showcase Presentation
Joe Reedy | Manufacturing and Process Engineer | Collins Aerospace | US
Measuring Systems
Connor Herlehy | Senior Sales Engineer Group | Keyence Corporation of America | US
Laser Cutting Systems
Jeffrey Hahn | National Product Manager | MC Machinery Systems, Inc. | US
Optimizing a PCM Line to Minimize Waste and Chemical Use
David Fister | Senior Pollution Prevention Engineer | New York State Pollution Prevention Institute | US
Influence of Grain Size and Degree of Cold Forming to the Etching Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steel Grades
Thomas Wegler | Manager R&D Zapp Precision Strip | Zapp Precision Metals GmbH | DE
Innovative Techniques in the PCM Process that Protect the Environment
Group Discussion